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Why You Should Trust Your Dentist to Extract Your Teeth

Posted on 10/10/2022 by Mark Bieber
Why You Should Trust Your Dentist to Extract Your TeethThe idea of having a tooth extraction may cause one to be anxious even though it is a required procedure for some dental problems. A tooth abscess, severe tooth decay, and various tooth issues may manifest with sore gums, toothache, tooth sensitivity, fever, and headache among other symptoms. Sometimes you may have a tooth problem but it is not causing you any pain, but still, a dentist insists on pulling it out.

Why Visit a Dentist More Often

While some patients visit their dentists only when they think they have dental problems, which should not be the case. Many patients visit dentists for a routine checkup only to realize they have an underlying tooth issue. Most dental problems cause pain as the first symptom. Some do not have pain and it is until the pain starts and gets severe that you get to a dentist.

Here, though, are some of the reasons you need to visit a dentist more often.

When you have Bad Breath

If you have a persisting bad breath even after you carry out rigorous oral cleaning, you most likely have periodontitis gum infection or gingivitis. This means you have bacteria living in your mouth that could cause inflammation, and gum diseases and lead to tooth extraction. A Periodontist will treat your affected tooth properly and prevent these diseases and conditions from catching up with you.

Dental Crowding

Sometimes a Periodontist conducts dental extraction to avoid dental crowding and gives you braces. They will extract the third molar, also referred to as wisdom teeth or the back teeth to create space for straightening the remaining teeth and provide a favorable outcome from orthodontic treatment.

Tooth Extraction

People with diseases that affect the immune system and those with cancer can have their tooth decay progress to unimagined levels. A tooth cavity can cause some infection that would attack the surrounding gum. In such cases, a dentist may recommend tooth extraction and consequently prevent further infection. If you need a tooth extracted, talk to us and we will offer timely care today.

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I continue to be impressed with every aspect of dental care and service at your office. Everyone is wonderful and makes me feel important, valued, and respected as a patient; everything is explained in detail.
-Shelley D.
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