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Do Lip and Tongue Piercings Affect Your Oral Health?

Posted on 9/17/2016 by Mark Bieber
A woman with a lip piercing.Piercings have long been a trend of self-expression. It's not all that uncommon to see people walking down the street with their ears or nose pierced. Others may have their lip pierced or even their tongue.

Expressing yourself is important, but it's also important to know that oral piercings can have an effect on your oral health.

Piercings in your lip or tongue make great places for bacteria to hide. These areas are often neglected when it comes to cleaning, so food particles may linger and bacteria can easily and quickly multiply, leading to an infection. If you have a piercing in your mouth, it's all the more important to come in for your regular cleaning and checkup at our Burbank office.


Some pain and swelling is normal following a piercing, and will disappear within a few days. More severe pain and swelling can be caused by an infection and swelling in your tongue can obstruct your airway, leading to difficulty breathing or even choking.

Allergic Reaction
You might not know it, but there is a chance that you may be allergic to certain types of metal. An allergy can lead to severe pain and swelling which can lead to other problems.

Damaged Teeth

The constant clicking of the piercing against your teeth can have negative consequences. It can lead to wearing of the enamel or even cause a crack or chip. A piercing can also damage a restoration.


Piercings can also have an impact on your gums. The back of a lip piercing can scratch and irritate gum tissue. Piercings may also cause to receding gums, which can quickly lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Daily Oral Functions

Piercings may also impede daily oral functions. They can affect your speech, making it difficult for others to understand you. Food can get caught in them. Piercings may also cause excess saliva production and cause you to drool.

Piercings can have a negative effect on your oral health, if you don't take care of them. If you already have one, take extra measures when you brush your teeth to ensure that the space around the piercing is clean.

If you are considering one, go to a studio with a good reputation and that has good hygienic practices. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. And if you suspect you have an infection or see any signs of a problem, contact our office right away.

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