If you are clenching your jaw in your sleep, it can cause your teeth to shift into the position you are holding all night long. This can hurt your jaw, and your teeth, all at the same time.
The Problems Associated with Clenching Your Jaw
Clenching your teeth together, more commonly known as bruxism, happens a lot when a person gets overly stressed. This can be how they focus, or it can be something they are totally unaware that they do. It can hurt your teeth and it can cause your jaw muscles to be consistently sore.
When you clench your jaw, you are putting a lot of undue pressure on your teeth. This can go so far as to fracture the teeth, as it can cause hairline cracks to extend down the length of the teeth over time. This can leave your teeth sore each morning, and it can cause your bite to be uneven when you first wake up.
If you wake up feeling like this on a regular basis, you should consult with Lawrence Toomin, DDS or Mark Bieber, DDS. We can give you advice on how to stop clenching your teeth together. We will conduct an exam to make sure that you are not doing damage to your teeth that you may be totally unaware of.
Contact our office today, and we investigate for any signs of bruxism if you wake up with sore teeth on a regular basis.