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Is Your Tongue Why Your Breath Stinks?

Posted on 3/13/2017 by Mark Bieber
A man suffering from bad breath.
Your tongue is one of the most underestimated parts of your body. It is often overlooked, and rarely is it given the extra care it not only needs, but also deserves.

If you have been suffering from bad breath, you may want to take a close look at your tongue. It may have been overlooked for a little too long, and now need a bit of TLC to make things right.

How Your Tongue Can Cause Bad Breath

Your tongue is in the middle of all of your teeth and gums. It is covered in the same germs and bacteria that your teeth and gums are covered in.

The difference is, your teeth and gums are brushed and washed at least once or twice per day. Most days, people forget to brush their tongue and all of that bacteria just sits there and gets worse.

Not only does this begin to cause bad breath after just a short time, but it also reintroduces all of those germs and the bacteria right back onto your teeth and gums as soon as you are done brushing.

Rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash is one way that you can care for your tongue, but that doesn't always leave it as clean as it could be. Instead, you should be brushing your tongue each time you brush your teeth. Make sure you brush the top, sides, and underside of your tongue to get the majority of the germs off of your tongue so that your bad breath can go away.

If you want to find out what may causing your bad breath, then contact our office to see what we have to say. The more you can find out from us, the better off your treatment is going to work!

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