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Is It Safe to Use Teeth Whitening Products Before Becoming an Adult?

Posted on 3/23/2017 by Mark Bieber
A patients teeth before and after using a teeth whitening product.
Have you ever wondered if it would be safe for your teenager to whiten their teeth? If so, then you should make sure you speak with your dentist, or your child's dentist, prior to making any decisions.

Sometimes it can be safe to use something like a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash, but other times your child's mouth could be too at risk to try any type of product, even over the counter varieties.

Considerations for Tooth Whitening

Typically, under the age of 15, no dentist is going to recommend any type of whitening product. However, even after 15, there are times when whitening is not a good idea. You may be 40 and still not be a good candidate for whitening, even at the dentist's office.

For example, one of the major side effects of getting teeth whitened is having sensitive teeth for a few days to a few weeks after the procedure. If you, or your child already suffers from sensitive teeth, this could become a much larger problem.

What it boils down to is that there has been nearly no research on just how safe it is for young people who aren't adults yet, to whiten their teeth. The consensus by dentist's is that it shouldn't be done unless necessary until the person is old enough to weigh the downsides of whitening on their own, in nearly all cases.

If you want to find out what your dentist thinks about the subject, ask them. They can give you their professional opinion and explain to you why they believe that stance to be the safest one.

If your child doesn't need whiter teeth for some specific reason, then let them wait until their dentist believes it should be safe for them. Then, they can decide for themselves.

Please contact our office if you have any questions about teeth whitening.

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