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Berries Can Help Improve Your Oral Health

Posted on 7/10/2019 by Mark Bieber
Berries Can Help Improve Your Oral HealthThere are a number of different fruits that can improve your oral health, but berries are especially helpful. These little fruits are also very easy to work into your diet.

You can have them as a side with a meal, put them in salads, or simply eat them as a snack by themselves. Here are a few great berries you should add to your diet and how they will help your oral health.


Strawberries contain a good amount of fiber, which can help keep your teeth clean, in addition to improving your digestive tract. Strawberries also contain a large amount of vitamin C, the vitamin that helps keep your gums strong. Eating only about six berries is enough to give you almost 70% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C!


Like strawberries, raspberries are a great addition to your diet. They're full of fiber, but don't contain a large amount of carbs. One standard cup of raspberries does contain 15 grams of carbohydrates, but eight of those grams are fiber. Like other fibrous foods, they help keep your mouth clean while also providing the body with many of the vitamins it needs for healthy gums and teeth.


Blackberries are full of antioxidants. These antioxidants help the body combat the free radicals that can damage your cells. This damage can make you appear to look older than you are and may actually cause cancer and other diseases. We do regular oral cancer screenings at our Burbank, CA office. Eating blackberries will help protect your body, including your mouth, tongue, and teeth, from the damage these free radicals can do.

The Downside to Berries

Remember that many berries will stain your teeth if you eat them too often. Make certain that you brush your teeth after you eat any berries that contain very strong pigments (blueberries, blackberries, etc.) so your teeth don't get stained. We do offer professional teeth whitening to our patients in the Burbank, CA area.

If you've eaten a lot of berries and want to get rid of these stains or if you have concerns about your oral health, contact us today. We're ready to answer your questions and help you plan out your diet.

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