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Things to Remember When Recovering from a Soft Tissue Graft

Posted on 6/22/2020 by Mark Bieber
Things to Remember When Recovering from a Soft Tissue GraftYou may have been told that you have a receding gumline, and that you need a soft tissue graft to help restore your gumline. If that's true, you may be worried about how the gum graft will affect your daily life, and how to recover from a soft tissue graft. If you are going to have a gum graft, we have some advice for you about the best ways to recover from that soft tissue graft.

[[[H:What Is A Soft Tissue Graft?]]]
While many people who have receding gums have them because of gum disease, there are people who have receding gums because of over brushing or genetics as well. You can also damage your gums through an accident.

With a soft tissue graft, we use tissue from other places in your mouth, such as the roof of your mouth to graft onto your receding gumline. We can also use donor tissue from someone else. Soft tissue grafts allow us to give your gumline a more natural look. To do a soft tissue graft, we make an incision where the tissue needs to be grafted and attach the new tissue to your gums with sutures. We then close the incision. Soft tissue grafts can be done on a small area, or a much larger one.

Advice for After Soft Tissue Graft Surgery

We would like to offer you several pieces of advice for the care of your gums after a soft tissue graft. First, if you are prescribed antibiotics, we suggest you take them all, because they will help prevent infection. Also, you may have a palatal stent to protect the roof of your mouth after grafts were taken from it. The roof of your mouth will need to be protected after the gum graft. Use the stent until the roof of your mouth heals. Use ice. Ice packs can be your best friends after gum surgery. Use the ice packs every 20 minutes post-surgery, to minimize the swelling and bruising. Take over the counter medication to manage any pain you are feeling after the soft tissue graft.

Also, you will need to avoid foods that are really cold or really hot, because they can aggravate your incisions and they can cause your tissues to swell, which is not what you want. Try a liquid diet to avoid making your incision more painful as well. We recommend soups or stews. You can gradually move to soft foods as you heal. Do you have questions about healing after a soft tissue graft? Contact us so we can help.

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