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What to Do Following Any Type of Dental Trauma

Posted on 5/10/2021 by Mark Bieber
What to Do Following Any Type of Dental TraumaDental trauma is an injury to the mouth, including gums, lips, teeth, jawbones, and tongue. Dental trauma and soft tissue injuries to the mouth can be painful and should be treated promptly. In most cases, dental trauma results in a lost or broken tooth. When you experience dental trauma, you should address it immediately. This article discusses what you need to do after any type of dental trauma.

What You Should Do

There are different types of dental trauma. However, the most common ones involve having fractured or knocked-out teeth. If it is a fractured tooth, you should start by rinsing any debris from the tooth with warm water. If possible, find the broken piece and store it in water or milk. It is also important to stop the bleeding. Besides, placing a cold compress over the injured area can help numb the pain. After that, you can contact us for immediate treatment.

If your tooth has been knocked out, start by finding that tooth and keeping it in a safe place. Remember not to touch its root with your fingers. After that, rinse any debris from your tooth with lukewarm water. If the tooth cannot be reinserted in the socket, place it into a clean container containing distilled water or cool milk. You can then contact us for immediate treatment. Always bring the knocked-out tooth with you.

If your tooth has been pushed out of position, you should try putting it back into its normal position by applying very light finger pressure. It is important not to force the tooth. Furthermore, you should bite down to prevent the tooth from moving. After that, get in touch with us immediately for treatment. Our professionals will get it in the right possible through a simple procedure. Visit our offices for more information on dental trauma and how you can contain it.

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