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Times to Sanitize Your Toothbrush

Posted on 9/21/2021 by Mark Bieber
Times to Sanitize Your ToothbrushNot many people think about cleaning their toothbrushes before or after using them. Also, apart from rinsing the toothbrush with water after brushing, very few regularly disinfect their toothbrushes. Sanitizing your toothbrush is very important for your oral health. It helps prevent airborne diseases like cold and flu.

In most cases, even brand new toothbrushes are not sterilized or sanitized. This means your toothbrush could already have bacteria even before it touches your mouth. Furthermore, there are millions of bacteria growing in your mouth daily. This is why brushing is necessary in the first place. As much as some of these bacteria goes down the drain after brushing, a significant amount of them remains on your toothbrush. This is why sanitizing your toothbrush is extremely important. It is recommended that you sanitize your toothbrush at least four times a week to keep it clean. You can sanitize your toothbrush by using peroxide, boiling, and using mouthwash.

Using Peroxide

Peroxide contains disinfectant agents that will help get rid of bacteria on your toothbrush. To use it, soak your toothbrush in the solution for about 3-5 minutes. After that, rinse it thoroughly with hot water.


Excessive heat is known to eliminate bacteria. Place your toothbrush in boiling water for about 3-4 minutes, making sure every part of it is immersed. Avoid boiling for too long because it can damage your toothbrush. You should also call our offices for further instructions if you have an electric toothbrush.

Use Mouthwash

You can also choose to soak your toothbrush in mouthwash for about 3-5 minutes. After that, rinse it out with warm water. This will help get rid of bacteria that accumulate on the toothbrush, especially after eating sticky foods. Contact our offices for more information on the importance of sanitizing your toothbrush.

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