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How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

Posted on 12/5/2022 by Mark Bieber
How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?Brushing your teeth is a good way to prevent oral issues. Most dentists recommend cleaning the teeth at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush. However, the toothbrush bristle wears down quickly. A damaged toothbrush does not perform the cleaning job right, leaving you at risk of plaque buildup. This can eventually result in gum disease and tooth decay. In this case, replacing your toothbrush regularly is vital. According to the American Dental Association, replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months is the first line of defense against oral issues.

Other Reasons to Replace Your Toothbrush

Are you healing from an oral infection or illness? Then you may need to change your toothbrush. Otherwise, you will risk reinfections. This is essential, especially if you are recovering from transferable illnesses like cold cores. Even after cleaning your toothbrush, it can still hold harmful bacteria. In this case, changing your toothbrush after you heal is vital to reduce the risk of getting sick.

An accident is another reason to replace your toothbrush. Accidents such as dropping your toothbrush on the toilet bowl or dirty places can put you at risk of infections. The toothbrush can pick up harmful debris or bacteria, which can cause oral issues.

What Can Happen If You Fail To Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly?

Staying for too long without replacing your toothbrush can cause bacteria or mold to accumulate around the bristles. Brushing your teeth with these accumulations can cause oral issues. If you notice some build-up on your toothbrush, it may be time to replace it.

Additionally, keeping your toothbrush for too long can make it ineffective. With this, it may not clean your teeth thoroughly, causing gum diseases and tooth decay. When left untreated, these oral issues can lead to tooth loss. Do you want to achieve good oral health? Our professionals will guide you through healthy oral habits to ensure strong teeth and gums.

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