Preventive Dentistry Burbank, CA
PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY provided by Lawrence Toomin, DDS
and Mark Bieber, DDS
in Burbank, CA at
We would like to work with you to preserve your beautiful smile. The more work you put into your teeth, the less work we need to put into your teeth.
Learn more about our preventive services:
Exams are generally scheduled annually depending on your history of cavities.
We schedule a teeth cleaning every 6 months for a healthy mouth, and every 3-4 months for those with Periodontal/Gum Disease.
We take x-rays every 6 months to 3 years depending on your history of restorations and how regularly you visit the dentist.
Help prevent tooth decay using tooth colored polymer or glass ionomers which bond to the deep grooves in the back teeth (molars).
Periodontal disease occurs when plaque has built up below the gumline causing the gums to pull away from the roots of the teeth. It has been linked to diabetes and heart disease.
It is important to brush and floss daily and to eat a healthy diet. Coming in to Toomin & Bieber Aesthetic Comprehensive Dentistry for professional cleanings will greatly improve your oral health too.
Regular visits to your dentist can also improve the chances that any suspicious changes in your oral health will be caught early, at a time when cancer can be treated more easily.
Preventive Dental Care Why do we need to take care of our teeth? We often wonder why our own bodies don't take care of our teeth. In the modern world we have more access to sugars and carbohydrates than any time in human history. These are the primary food for the bacteria in our mouth.
Plaque & Brushing As the bacteria in our mouth become better fed they grow faster and faster. Bacteria will build up a biofilm on your teeth. This film is referred to as plaque. Bacteria and plaque produce acidic byproducts that slowly eat away at your teeth. Brushing, flossing and mouth rinse can get rid of this plaque and prevent tooth decay.
Tartar & Deep Cleaning If plaque sits on a tooth too long it will become a hard film that prevents your body's natural defenses (saliva) from protecting your teeth. This hard film is called Tartar and it can be difficult to remove. This is especially true when bacteria get below the gum-line (which it always does). This is the main reason you need to visit the dentist every six months. If needed, we can perform a deep cleaning which will remove tartar below the gumline. |